Many students are comfortable with traditional, print textbooks and rely heavily on their physical presence. They feel that with ebooks it's
"Harder to flip back to a certain section to review, can't put in little post-it flags on important sections"Some students feel that accessibility is an issue when it comes to ebooks.
"I like to have a hard copy in front of me to be able to highlight and look back on. I like to be able to have it handy with me during class or where ever i go when I am not able to use my laptop."However some can argue that ebooks are more accessible these days with the rising popularity of ereaders, tablets and internet ready cell phones and handheld devices.
When confronted with the incredibly high prices of print textbooks. Some confess that even though they treasure a physical book, 7 out of 10 students do not always purchase all their required textbooks due to their high costs. It is probable that a collaborative version of an digital textbook would be similar in price to the already established ebook market which are roughly 50 percent lower in cost--thus raising their appeal among college students.
Over 60 percent of the surveyed students said they would make the switch from physical to digital textbooks if that meant a significant decrease in their textbook costs.
By offering a social aspect to digital textbooks, it plays on the theory that students learn better in collaborative environments.
“youth (are) taking a more ‘gown-up’ roles and owership of their own self-presentation, learning and evaluation of others”
“peer-based learning has unique properties that suggest alternatives to formal instruction”A "Social Textbook" could empower students to value what they have learned in their coursework, see their own research as having value among others, and to take responsibility over the accuracy of what they have produced.
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